Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Worlds worst blogger...

So about once a week I log on to the 'dashboard' and catch up on everyones blog I follow, and every week I think, "It's about time for you to blog again, Megan" but then completely draw a blank on anything to say!! LOL I just logged in and realized it has been over a month, AGAIN. Truth is I have SO much going on in my life on a day to day basis, so many cute comments said, funny things done, and new updates. By the time I think of them to blog about, I get distracted with something happening then, and thus, never blogging them!! Makes me kind of upset with myself. I wanted to blog to remember all those cute things and stepping stones, and here I am forgeting them by the end of the week! So this blog, like SO many of my other blogs will be a rambling on of the past month and ALL the many things going on! It should be quite interesting, I think. I hope. For you, the readers sake :)

Lets see where to begin. Since I always talk about the babies (who I need to quit calling babies they are now almost 18 months old!!!) I will start with Abigail and Aaliyah.
Abigail is doing awesome in school, as usual. She makes good grades, and is usually always on E's. Which stands for Excellent. A few times we have got a S, to which she was grounded from TV for a whole day. Each time was because of her talking. Can't blame her really. Anytime I ever got into trouble at school it was for talking too! But I was never punished for it, and therefore continued talking all the time. I don't want her to do the same, so the TV punishment has been working!! No more S's since the 2nd time of being punished! Score! She has decided that pink is the worse color in the world. She refuses to wear pink (most of the time) and wants everything black, blue and green. She wants skinny jeans with sneakers, and beg me to let her dye a strand of her hair green all the time. I think it is safe to say I am raising an Emo child. LOL. I know it is a phase. I went through it too. She has more friends in the neighborhood who are boys, so I think she is just trying to be 'cool' to them. But at heart she is a girly girl! Still wants to wear makeup and get mani's and pani's! lol. She is rough though. She is wanting to play football next year. After one more year of cheering this year. Scares the crap out of me, but I figure if she has the balls to go out there and play football with a bunch of boys, I am not dare going to tell her she can't! Speaking of cheerleading. We register this Sat!!! Practice will be starting back up the end of July! My life will get very interesting then! Abby also had a birthday this month big 8!! (makes me feel older than dirt to know I have an 8 yr old!!) But I will talk about her birthday later on in blog!
And then there is my sweet little (not so little) Aaliyah baby! Who will be 6 in June! She too is doing GREAT in school! Always on E, never been under and E!! Aaliyah has been in speech classes since she was about 2 1/2. When she started talking she left the beginning and ending off of each word! And she used different sounds to take the place of the actual sound. Such as using a B in place of an F, and leaving off all S's. Well this year in Kindergarten they began her in classes at school. Of which I was not too happy about, I would have rather her continued private classes, but insurance will not pay for them once the child is in public school, and speech is offered free. Bummer! Well I thought it was a bummer. I was afraid she would be in a class with multiple students and not get the 1 on 1 attention she needed. I was wrong. Her speech teacher is AWESOME. And she has already told me we are going to have to move the review meeting up closer! The meeting is too review her success and set new goals. Well Aaliyah just started speech in January. Her goals were set to be made by the end of the school year, and she has already met every one of them and it is only the end of March! Go Aaliyah!! So that is very exciting for me! I recently had lunch with them at school (for Abby's bday) and after I walked Aaliyah back to her room with her class. As I was looking around I noticed she was the tallest one in the class. I asked her teacher, and she confirmed. Aaliyah is the tallest, and youngest child in her class!! Guess I might have me a tall one!! Basketball player if I could be so lucky? Speaking of sports... SO last year when Abby was cheering, all I heard about was Aaliyah talking about when she WAS going to cheer next year. So now that it is next year, Aaliyah has decided, NO she does NOT want to be a cheerleader. She wants to play soccer. Gee oh boy. How exciting. NOT! I hate soccer. BUT whatever she wants to do! Unfortunately she missed Spring soccer, so she will have to sign up for Fall soccer. Which with my luckwill probably fall about the same time as football season. I can imagine, ME, two almost 2 yr olds, Abby cheer practice 3 nights a week, soccer practice whenever during week, and a football game and soccer game every Saturday. OH MY! I just hope that they aren't all going to be at the same time!! That would not be so much fun!
Aaliyah is also VERY much into pink. Pink pink pink. She is very girly! But still has that sporty edge. I think she will make and awesome soccer player! And maybe Basketball player too ;)

And then there is the infamous M&M. Maggie and Madison. They will be 18 months on April 6th. We had a doc visit last week, and Maggie FINALLY weighs more than Madison. But only 9oz! Maggie is still an inch taller than her though. Maggie is 23lb 12oz, Madison 23lb 3oz! Our doc visit was due to high fever. No fun. Turns out no strep, no flu., just teething!! And by teething I mean, getting multiple teeth in at the same time, don't want to eat, sleep, or play, only time they are comfy is when Mommy or Daddy is holding them TEETHING. It has been a week now, and it is just now starting to get a little better. After going out of town a few days they have been SO off schedule, and are just now getting back to normal status. Thank goodness. I can't handle the off scheduleness very much!
Quick updates (i have so much to still tell!) Maggie is ALL over the place and mean as a snake. She has began the hitting sister, pulling sisters hair, and stealing toys phase. To which I CAN'T wait to be over. IF it ever does end! But she can be very sweet too. She is my cuddler! She snuggles and gives kisses!
Madison is also ALL over the place! She is the more content one and sweeter one. She can quietly play by herself and doesn't require as much attention as sissy does! But she has that streak too. Make her mad and she falls out. And by fall out I mean just that. She falls backwards hitting her head on the floor, or anything that happens to be behind her. Scares me. I told Michael I hope she isn't creating brain damage! But I have NO idea how to get her to stop.
They both are using lots of words, and repeating just about everything you say to them. They both also know almost all body parts and can say them! They love to have books read to them, and is starting to enjoy cartoons. Where as before even when Sprout was on, they never payed much attention to it. Now they will stop and look a tv for several minutes. They both also follow directions very well! Hope that phase never ends!!

As I mentioned before we had to go out of town for a few days. Tuesday, March 8th, started off as a normal day. I was off work, Michael was asleep after just coming home from work. The babies and I had some stuff to exchange at Carter's and Victoria Secrets, so we were all ready to head to the Avenues. As I was pulling up to the bank I rec'd a text message. From Michael "My granny's dead". I immediately starting bawling, and rushed home as quickly as I could. Michaels grandmother was a HUGE person in his life. He was very close to her, and I knew this was going to be very hard for him. When we got home, I told babies to go see Daddy, they both ran down hallway into our room, I put them up on the bed and they just layed on him, as if they were hugging him. It was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. The tears built up again. So after knowing details, turns out she had passes peacefully in her sleep. At a ripe age of 91 she definitely lived a fulfilling life. The funeral was scheduled for that following Monday, March 14th. Abigail's birthday was March 12th. So originally we had planned on taking Abigail and her friends to Stars and Strikes for some girl fun! We post-poned that to this past weekend, and instead had a low key birthday at home. Which she was most excited about leaving for Michigan that same night, she didn't mind at all! I did my usual decorating of the house, made her fav cupcakes! My mom, sister, niece, aunt, and Abby's other aunt all came over for a late lunch! It was nice! She had a great birthday (and ended up raking in $100!! of birthday money!!, no worries, it is all going in her savings acct!)
Following all birthday celebrations we headed out that Sat night about 8:30pm. We rented a minivan to take us all up there comfortably! (Michael's cousin rode with us too) It was about 12 hours to Michigan. And the last 4 hours were pure hell!! Maggie decided she could no longer sit in car seat and decided to scream the car down. She cried for hour, non stop. Till I eventually had to get her out just to calm her down! (at the time we were unaware of teething taking place) Anyway we arrived in Michigan about 9 am Sunday morning. And quickly began family activities. We got ready and went to Michael's uncles church where they were having a big Sunday dinner for the family. YUM. (BTW no diet that weekend!!) And followed that with going back to Michaels brothers house (aka cousin, but close enough to call him his bro) We decided to just stay the night there, and go back to where we were staying in the morning to get ready for funeral. We set up port-a-cribs for babies, and I got babies ready for bed, so Michael could spend time with his family. Well what was supposed to have been a few min getting babies to bed, turned into a 6 hour fight trying to get Maggie to sleep. I practically never got to leave the room bc she would just scream anytime I did. But I was glad Michael got to enjoy his family. Maggie continued the fussiness through the night. She ended up sleeping on Michaels chest most of the night, and we were up and down every 1-2 hrs with her. Unbelievable. She had NEVER done that before. Madison once she fell asleep never got back up.
We barely got everyone up and ready and to the church for funeral on time the next morning. With no sleep, and no shower, I felt like total shit. Sorry for word usage, it felt appropriate. To top it off Maggie decided to show her tail off during funeral (go figure, no sleep) and Madison decided to fall asleep, then woke back up with fever!! Even though babies were not cooperating at all, I think God kind of did it on purpose. Michael was distracted with babies, it help keep his mind off the emotional part of the funeral, and kept him a little sane. ;) I on the other hand was a ticking time bomb. I have never been to a 'black' funeral before. And I can honestly say I have NEVER felt that way before. Every song, every scripture, every story told brought a tear to my eye (in between chasing Maggie of course) It was beautifully done. Momma White had requested no tears, but instead a party for her "Going Home Celebration". Well I sucked on the no tears part! After funeral and burial, there was in fact a party for her, cake and ice cream, and delicious food! We ended up leaving that night, and heading home. And the ride home, well lets just say I do not want to re-live it. Imagine what I said about the ride to there, and then multiply that by 10. It was horrid. I never again want to experience that, EVER!
I had never been more happy to see home, lay in my own bed, and babies in THEIR own beds!
We had the laziest day ever that next day. It was AWESOME!
This week the sadness came back again. My brother-in-laws grandmother passed this past Monday. While it wasn't a shock, they were expecting it, it doesn't make it any easier. I will be attending that funeral tomorrow. Not only was she my sisters grandmother-in-law, she was also my Sunday school teacher practically my whole life! That women was a Saint, and I am sure will be right along the side of Mrs. White in receiving her crown of glory! Heaven has had a busy month! My mom and I were talking about March and it's events. My daughters bday, my sisters birthday, my bro-in-law birthday, anniv of the death of my mothers grandmother, my grandmother on my dads side, and now Michael and Johns grandmother. Wierd!
Definitely not the luck of the irish!
IRISH, I almost forgot ST. Patricks Day!! Nothing too special to be blogging about. But I did make a homemade Sheperd's Pie, and girls took fun snacks to school! Can you believe they have school pictures on St. Patty's Day?? Every year my girls spring pics from school are them in green! It is really starting to aggravate me!!! k... what else... oooh yeah
This Saturday is my Twin Consignment Sale. I belong to the Gwinnett Mothers of Multiples club, and participate in their consignment sales twice a year. Well this one couldn't have come at a worse time! But I managed to put together roughly about 150 items to sale! So hoping to sell lots and come out profiting enough for a brand new 'big girl' side by side stroller that I want for them, AND new spring clothes for everyone! Woot woot =o) Keep fingers crossed for me!
Anyone in area, Saturday March 26th. Salvation Army off Sugarloaf in Lawrenceville, GA. 8a-12:30p normal shopping... 1p-2p 50% sale!!! Over at 2! Come support the mothers of multiples, even if you don't have multiples all clothes are sold seperately for all children, up to size 14, plus lots of toys, strollers, car seats, furniture and SO much more!! Come see me at the cashier station =o)

Hope you all have been enjoying this beautiful weather!!
I will post pictures next blog. This one was long enough =o)

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